Florentina Loredana Dalian

sâmbătă, 5 decembrie 2020

Decembrie / December



Privești printre copaci desfrunziți cum o altă iarnă trece peste suflete,

Cum se aștern albe, zăpezile, peste așteptări de o viață.

Întotdeauna ai visat trenuri de Crăciun, trenuri care vin, niciodată care pleacă.

Vezi o sanie trasă de lupi, de parcă ar veni din Siberii,

Inima îți bate mai tare, pare că sania încetinește,

Gata-gata să-ți oprească în poartă. Dar nu, trece mai departe, cu tot cu visul din ea.


You are looking through the leafless trees as another winter is passing over the souls,

How the snow falls white over your life expectations.

You always dreamt of trains for Christmas, trains coming, never leaving.

You see a wolf-drawn sleigh , as if coming from Siberia,

Your heart is beating faster, it looks like the sleigh is slowing down,

Almost stopping at your gate. But no, it went on with the dream in it.


Florentina Loredana Dalian

Slobozia, 04 decembrie  2020

5 comentarii:

  1. "Cum trec albe,zăpezile, peste aşteptări de-o viață"...
    Ar fi fost suficient atât pentru un minunat haiku epic. Ce umbră a apărut din albul zăpezii ? Minunat !

  2. Prima zăpadă îmi vine întotdeauna cântând. Aceeasi melodie,aceleași cuvinte de 50 de ani...Tombe la neige ,tu ne viendra pas çest soir...O mai fi trăind Adamo ?

  3. I'll tell you something about my own winter. The current one, of course.
    It was in November when I fell in love on the Internet. It just happened. There was a soft feeling of cozy, some kind of feeling that I've never experienced, not this way.
    I'm still trying ever-since to stay cool, to keep my mind clear, to stay away from trouble.
    I must confess, I am not very willing to do so, although I'm telling myself> IT'S WRONG!!!
    And those temptations, oh, those bloody temptations...
    Sometimes I say: you're too old to fall in love! Then my alter ego says: There's no specific age for falling in love! Go for it!
    I thought I would never tell anyone about that. Well, here I am, I did it!
    Anyone blaming me? No problem, I can deal with it...

    1. I think that no one is to be blamed for falling in love. It just happens.
